Razor delivery does not require OTP or credentials for address confirmation for your delivery Our Customer Support team is reachable only from our website or app Please do not transfer money to any payment links as we take only cash and card payments

Privacy Policy

Razor Delivery, Inc. (“Razor Delivery,” “we,” “us,” or “our”) is engaged inter alia in the business of (description of services) more fully described in our Terms and Conditions, available at (https://control-dev.razordelivery.com/terms_and_conditions) and any other policies we may make available on the Platform from time to time (collectively, “Terms”). This Policy outlines our practices in relation to the collection, storage, usage, processing, and disclosure of personal data that you have chosen to share with us when you access, use, or otherwise interact with our website available at https://razordelivery.com/ and & https://razordelivery.com/registration (the “Site”), or mobile application Razor Delivery mobile application and any other website or mobile application that links to this Policy (collectively, “Platform” and "Razor Delivery Services"), avail services that Razor Delivery offers you on or though the Platform, or partners with us to provide customers with these services (collectively, the “Services” and "Razor Delivery Services").

At Razor Delivery, we are committed to respecting your privacy and protecting your personal data. To admit access to the Services it is mandatory to have basic data of the user which we have to collect and otherwise process to enable your usage. This Policy lays out the modus (mode) of collection, use, disclose and protection of the data.

Your access to and use of the Razor Delivery Services are subject to our Independent Contractor’s Agreement (“ICA”) Please make sure that you have carefully read and understood the ICA before you use the Razor Delivery Services. By using the Razor Delivery Services, interacting with us and submitting information to us you accept the ICA and confirm that you have read this Policy and consent to the collection, use, disclosure and/or retention of your personal information in accordance with the processing activities described under this Policy.

In certain circumstances you may provide us with the personal data of other individuals such as your spouse, relatives, or friends. You represent and warrant that you have obtained such individuals’ informed consent for their personal data to be collected, used, or disclosed in accordance with this Policy. If you are a parent or legal guardian, please do not permit the minor(s) under your care to submit personal data to us, and in the event you provide us with a minor’s personal data, you consent to the collection, use, or disclosure of the minor’s personal data in accordance with this Policy. Your information may be used in other ways for which specific notice will be provided at the time of collection.

This Privacy Policy supplements but does not supersede nor replace any other consent which you may have previously provided to us nor does it affect any right that we may have at law in connection with the collection, use, disclosure and/or retention of your personal data.

In case you do not feel comfortable with any part of this Policy or our ICA, you must not use or access the Razor Delivery Services.


About Us:

The Services are made available to you by Razor Delivery. If you have any questions about this Policy, how we process or handle your personal data, or otherwise, you may reach out to us with your queries, grievances, feedback, and comments at support@razordelivery.com

How this Policy applies:

The Policy applies to individuals who access or use our website, mobile applications, or services made available by us or prospective customers of our products and services (hereafter, “Users”) and service providers who use the Platform to provide their services to Users (“Service Providers” or “delivery staff” or “Razor Delivery Drivers” or simply “Drivers”). For the avoidance of doubt, references to “you” across this Policy are to Users and Service Providers.

By using the Services, you consent to the collection, storage, usage, and disclosure of your personal data, as described in and collected by us in accordance with this Policy.

Third-Party Links:

The Platform may include links to third-party websites, plug-ins, applications, and services. Clicking on those links or enabling those connections may allow third parties to collect or share data about you. We do not control these third-party websites and are not responsible for such sites’ content, any use of such sites, or their privacy statements or the security of any data shared with such third-party websites. Once you have left our website, we shall not be responsible for the protection and privacy of any personal data which you provide. When you leave the Platform or otherwise access such websites, plug-ins, applications, and services, we encourage you to read the privacy policy made available by the third-party.


When you use the Services as a User, we collect different types of personal data about you. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Contact Data, such as your mailing or home address, zip code, preferred region and city, location, email addresses, and mobile numbers.

  • Identity and Profile Data, such as your name, passport or other identification number, telephone numbers, username or similar identifiers, photographs, details about your family members, their age and profession, credit information, gender, language, preferred language interests, and hobbies.

  • Marketing and Communications Data, such as your address, email address, information posted in service requests, offers, wants, feedback, comments, quizzes, pictures and discussions in our blog and chat boxes, responses to user surveys and polls, your preferences in receiving marketing communications from us and our third parties, preferred service or products, and your communication preferences. We also collect your chat and call records when you communicate with Service Providers through the Platform

  • Technical Data, which includes your IP address, browser type, internet service provider, details of operating system, registered domain or home server, access time, page views, device ID, device type, frequency of visiting our website and use of the Platform, website and mobile application activity, clicks, date and time stamps, location data, search terms, search results, access times, and referring website’s address(es), and other technology on the devices that you use to access the Platform.

  • Transaction Data, , such as details of the Services you have availed, your credit or debit card details for tracking transactions that are provided to us by payment processors, banking details, and UPI IDs for processing payments.

  • Usage Data,which includes information about how you use the Services, preferences, your activity on the Platform, booking history, user taps and clicks, user interests, time spent on the Platform, details about user journey on the mobile application, and page views.

When you use the Services as a Service Provider, we collect different types of personal data about you. You authorize us to conduct a background or driving history check, when you register as a Razor Delivery driver, Delivery staff, participate as a Razor Delivery, participate in direct deposit, contact us with inquiries or otherwise communicate with us, or otherwise access or use the Razor Delivery Services. This includes but is not limited to:
  • Contact Data,, such as email addresses, phone numbers, and permanent addresses.

  • Identity and Profile Data, such as your name, mobile number, gender, date of birth, age, preferred region, city, address, zip code, language, preferred language, social security number, government-issued identifiers, verification reports, credit information, Card information, Bank Details.

  • Technical Data, which includes your IP address, internet service provider, device ID, device type, domain name, details of operating system, browser type, date and time stamp of accessing the Platform, device metadata, location data, and mobile applications used by you

  • Driver and vehicle information, vehicle information, such as your driver’s license number, license plate and other vehicle and registration information, any certifications and insurance information.

  • Marketing and Communications Data, such as feedback, comments, quizzes, pictures and discussions in our blog and chat boxes, responses to user surveys and polls, your preferences in receiving marketing communications from us and our third parties, and your communication preferences. We also collect your chat and call records when you communicate with Users through the Platform.

  • Usage Data, which includes call logs, mobile application usage and activity data, call and chat records with customers and end-users, and email usage.

  • Financial Data, which includes bank and bank account information, including routing and account numbers, and order payment information, including expense reimbursement requests.

We also collect, use, and share aggregated data such as statistical or demographic data for any purpose. Aggregated data could be derived from your personal data but is not considered personal data under law as it does not directly or indirectly reveal your identity. However, if we combine or connect aggregated data with your personal data so that it can directly or indirectly identify you, we treat the combined data as personal data which will be used in accordance with this Policy.
What happens if I refuse to provide my personal data?

Where we need to collect personal data by law, or under the terms of a contract (such as the Terms), and you fail to provide that data when requested, we may not be able to perform the contract (for example, to provide you with the Services). In this case, we may have to cancel or limit your access to the Services, but we will, where reasonably practical, notify you if this is the case at the time.

Personal Data from Minors and Children

We understand the importance of protecting children's privacy, especially in an online environment. In particular, our sites are not intentionally designed for or directed at children under the age of 13. It is our policy never to knowingly collect or maintain information about anyone under the age of 13, except as otherwise required by law.

To the extent that you have provided (or will provide) personal data about your family, spouse and/or other dependents, you confirm that you have explained to them that their personal data will be provided to, and processed by, us and you represent and warrant that you have obtained their consent to the processing (including disclosure and transfer) of their personal data in accordance with this Policy and, in respect of minors (i.e. individuals under 13 years of age) or individuals not legally competent to give consent, you confirm that they have appointed you to act for them as a legal guardian, to consent on their behalf to the processing (including disclosure and transfer) of their personal data in accordance with this Policy.

Children under the age of 13 years should not submit their personal data via the Platform. If you believe that your child has submitted personal information and you would like to request that their information be removed from our systems, please submit a request to the Data Protection Officer in the manner described in Section 1(a) to this Policy or E-mail to us at (support@razordelivery.com)and reasonable efforts will be made to comply with your request within 30 (Thirty) days of the request.


We use different methods to collect personal data from and about you including through:

Direct Interactions.

You provide us your personal data when you interact with us. In the event you engage with the Platform in multiple capacities, for instance both as a User and Service Provider, we may link your personal data across such capacities. This includes personal data you provide when you, for example:

  • create an account or profile with us at the time of registration on our Platform, through our channels on third party social media platforms (including but not limited to Facebook, Instagram, YouTube etc);

  • submit an enquiry or a quote request with us

  • use the Platform or the Services;

  • enter, and when you interact with us during physical or digital promotions, competitions, contests, lucky draws, special events, user poll, surveys or other types of research, or by using devices within our showrooms

  • request that we contact you and/or interact with our customer servicing team via our communication channels such as a phone call or email or text message or any other communication;

  • facilitate payments through the platform;

  • complete purchase orders, requests or applications for our products or services (by phone, in person, snail mail, or electronically);

  • subscribe to any of our membership programmes, i.e. opting for email notifications and/or newsletters, blogs, or request marketing communications to be sent to you;

  • sign up or redeem a promotional offer or initiatives;

  • communicate with us directly via our customer service center, or directly via our personnel within our stores in relation to our products and services (in person, by email, telephone, direct mail or any other means);

  • interact with our promotional advertisements or social media posts, whether inadvertently or otherwise through any third party platforms;

  • subscribe to our membership programmes;

  • report a problem with the Platform and/or our Services, give us feedback, contact us, or provide testimonials;

  • perform an online transaction;

  • respond to our request for additional personal data; and

  • when you submit your personal data to us for any other reason

  • provide us with camera permissions that allows you to upload any picture straight from the camera; or

  • provide us with access to your photo gallery that allows you to upload any picture from your photo gallery.

Automated technologies or interactions

We automatically collect Technical Data about your operating system, equipment, browsing actions, and patterns each time you use the Platform. We collect this personal data by using cookies, web beacons, pixel tags, web hooks, server logs, and other similar technologies. We may also receive Technical Data about you if you visit other websites that employ our cookies. We may also collect information about your usage and browsing habits using various web-based technologies.

Third parties or publicly available sources. We will receive personal data about you from various third parties, including, without limitation

  • Technical Data from analytics providers such as Facebook, Pinterest, Google Analytics, Google and advertising networks;

  • Our business partners through which you create or access the Platform, such as payment providers, social media services, or applications or websites who use our APIs or whose APIs we use;

  • Background verifiers;

  • Credit reference bodies, regulatory and law enforcement authorities, for reasons including delivery of our products and/or services, performance of conditions of agreements and/or to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations;

  • From referrals by any user who thinks you may be interested in RAZOR DELIVERY or the Services. It is the referrer’s obligation to seek authorisation to share your personal information as a referral. When an individual shares your personal information with us, it is deemed that you have consented to such sharing;

  • Identity and profile-related data from publicly available sources; and

  • Marketing service providers.


We will only use your personal data when the law allows us to do so. Most commonly, we will use your personal data where we need to provide the Services, or where we need to comply with a legal obligation. We use your personal data for the following purposes:

  • to communicate with you;

  • to maintain and improve customer relationship;

  • to administer and process any payments related to products, services and/or facilities requested by you;

  • to establish your identity and background;

  • to verify your identity, and create your user account with us on the Platform at the time of registration and to manage your account, including access to your purchase history;

  • to provide the Services to you including processing your order and providing you with end-to-end services to administer or otherwise carry out obligations to you;

  • if you are a Service Provider, to assess the performance of your services rendered to drivers/delivery staff/delivery riders/Users;

  • to monitor your activities on the Platform;

  • to monitor trends and personalize your experience;

  • to improve the functionality of our Services based on the information and feedback we receive from you;

  • to conduct internal marketing analysis, customer profiling activities, analysis of customer patterns and choices, planning and statistical and trend analysis in relation to our products and/or services;

  • for product development and testing;

  • to improve customer service to effectively respond to Users’ Service requests, grievances, and support needs;

  • to develop new product features, analyze our products, and also facilitate financial solutions and insurance that our connected to our Services

  • to track transactions and process payments;

  • to send periodic notifications to manage our relationship with you including to notify you of changes to our Services, to inform you of changes and developments to our policies, terms and conditions and other administrative information, including for the purposes of servicing you in relation to the products and services offered to you, and to send other occasional company news and updates related to us or the Services;

  • to assist with the management of the Services offered to you, including to send you information and updates about the Services you have availed, communicate with you about and administer your participation in special events, contests, sweepstakes, programs, surveys and other offers, operate and communicate with you about our social network pages or mobile applications;

  • to tailor ads displayed to you on the Platform and on third-party websites to your interests and history;

  • to conduct credit reference checks and establish your creditworthiness, where necessary, in providing you with the products, services and/or facilities;

  • to administer and protect our business and the Platform, including for troubleshooting, data analysis, system testing, and performing accounting, auditing and other internal operations;

  • to improve our business and delivery models;

  • to perform our obligations that arise out of the arrangement we are about to enter or have entered with you;

  • to enforce our Terms;

  • to market our Services to you via SMS, phone call, email, fax, mail, social media and/or any other appropriate communication channels to members of our loyalty programmes e.g. referrals, website membership, consented social media affiliations in accordance with their consent;

  • to transfer information about you if we are acquired by or merged with another company, or to be potentially acquired by or merged with another company, whether the merger or acquisition goes through or not, or otherwise required to be transferred to another entity for the purposes of providing you with the Services;

  • to comply with our legal obligations;

  • to maintain and update internal record keeping;

  • for internal administrative purposes;

  • to send you seasonal greetings messages from time to time;

  • to share any of your personal data with the auditor for our internal audit and reporting purposes;

  • to share any of your personal data pursuant to any agreement or document which you have duly entered with us for purposes of seeking legal and/or financial advice and/or for purposes of commencing legal action;

  • to share any of your personal data with our joint venture/business partners to jointly develop products and/or services or launch marketing campaigns;

  • to share any of your personal data with insurance companies necessary for the purpose of applying and obtaining insurance policy(ies), if necessary;

  • to share any of your personal data with financial institutions necessary for the purpose of applying and obtaining credit facility(ies), if necessary;

  • for audit, risk management and security purposes;

  • for detecting, investigating and preventing fraudulent, prohibited or illegal activities;

  • to transfer or assign our rights, interests and obligations under any agreements entered into with us;

  • for meeting any applicable legal or regulatory requirements and making disclosure under the requirements of any applicable law, regulation, direction, court order, by-law, guideline, circular or code applicable to us;

  • to enforce or defend our rights and your rights under, and to comply with, our obligations under the applicable laws, legislation and regulations;

  • to respond to subpoenas, court orders, establish or exercise our legal rights, or defend ourselves against legal claim (for example the police, fraud investigation organizations, insurers, solicitors, auditors and financial advisors);

  • to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, violation of the Terms, or as otherwise required by law;

  • to ensure Platform security;

  • storing, hosting, backing up (whether for disaster recovery or otherwise) of personal data whether within or outside United States; and

  • to verify compliance with the terms and conditions governing the use of our website including monitoring private messages sent through our website private messaging services.

You agree and acknowledge that by using our Services or accessing the Platform, you authorize us, our associate partners, affiliates, and end-users, customers, and partners to contact you via email, phone, or otherwise. This is to enable us to provide the Services, provide you with marketing material, and ensure that you are aware of all the features of the Services.

You agree and acknowledge that any and all information pertaining to you, whether or not you directly provide it to us (via the Services or otherwise), including but not limited to personal correspondence such as emails, instructions from you, etc., may be collected, compiled, and shared by us in order to render the Services to you. This may include but not be limited to vendors, social media companies, third-party service providers, storage providers, data analytics providers, consultants, lawyers, and auditors. We may also share this information with other entities in the RAZOR DELIVERY group within United States and across borders worldwide in connection with the above-mentioned purposes. Those countries may not have the same data protection laws as your country of residence and your personal data may be subject to applicable foreign laws. You agree and acknowledge that we may share data without your consent, when it is required by law or by any court or government agency or authority to disclose such information or if disclosure is necessary or appropriate to prevent physical harm or financial loss, or in connection with an investigation of suspected or actual fraudulent or illegal activity. Such disclosures are made in good faith and belief that it is reasonably necessary to do so for enforcing this Policy or the Terms, or in order to comply with any applicable laws and regulations. You agree and acknowledge that for certain purposes such as detecting or preventing illegal activities, preventing the misuse of the Services, carrying out corporate due diligence, improving, enhancing, or developing new goods and services, learning or understanding consumer behavior or preferences, we may collect, use, or process your personal data without consent, on the grounds of our legitimate interests, or business improvement, as applicable. We may use your personal data to market RAZOR DELIVERY’s Services, events, offers, and promotions to you, including through telephone calls and messages, push notifications, or emails. In the event you wish to unsubscribe to the processing of your personal data for such marketing and promotion, you may click on the unsubscribe facility provided in such marketing or promotional messages.


We are committed to complying with the Do Not Call (DNC) provisions. We have always been mindful of engaging our customers in a more targeted and relevant way.

We may send marketing messages to your telephone number if:

  • you have given us consent;

  • you have not registered with the national DNC Registry; or

  • the sending of such messages is permissible under applicable laws and regulations.

Our marketing messages aim to update you about our exclusive offers, events and special deals. If you wish to opt-out, please write to support@razordelivery.com, Your request will be processed within 30 days. Please note that after opting out, you may still continue to receive non-marketing messages permitted under applicable local laws and regulations.


  • We use cookies to distinguish you from other users of our Platform and remember your preferences. This helps us to provide you with a seamless user experience when you use our Platform and also allows us to improve our Services.

  • For further information about the cookies we use, please refer to our Cookie Policy, available at (https://control-dev.razordelivery.com/cookie_policy)

  • Should you wish to disable the cookies associated with these technologies you may do so by changing the settings on your browser or mobile devices. However, please note that this may affect the functionality of the Platform.


We may share your personal data with third parties set out below for the purposes set out in Section 4:

  1. 1. Internal third parties, which are other companies within the RAZOR DELIVERY group of companies.
  2. 2. External third parties such as:
    • trusted third parties such as our associate partners, payment processors, and service providers that provide services for us or on our behalf and based on our instructions. This includes hosting and operating our Platform, providing marketing assistance, conducting our business, fulfilling orders, processing payments and transaction-related processes, transmitting content, conducting credit-assessment risks for short term credits availed by you from us, processing your insurance-related claims, and to enable us to provide the Services to our end-users or customers. These third parties are not permitted to use or disclose your personal data except as necessary to perform services on our behalf or comply with legal requirements;

    • If you are a User, Service Providers to enable them to provide specific services to you;

    • If you are a Service Provider, Users who seek to use the services you choose to offer through the Platform;

    • analytic service providers and advertising networks that conduct web analytics to help us improve our Platform and Services. These analytics providers may use cookies and other technologies to perform their services;

    • data centers and/or servers located within or outside United States for data storage purposes or otherwise;

    • payment channels including but not limited to financial institutions for purpose of assessing, verifying, effectuating and facilitating payment of any amount due to us in connection with your purchase of our products and/or services;

    • our joint venture/business partners, third-party product and/or service providers, suppliers, vendors, contractors, data processors or agents, that provide related products and/or services in connection with our business, or discharge or perform one or more of the herein mentioned purposes and other purposes required to operate and maintain our business, including but not limited to call centers, telecommunication companies, logistics companies, information technology companies and data centers;

    • insurance companies for the purpose of applying and obtaining insurance policy(ies), if necessary;

    • financial institutions for the purpose of applying and obtaining credit facility(ies), if necessary;

    • financial institutions, merchants and credit card organisations in connection with your commercial transactions with us;

    • the general public when you become a winner in a contest by publishing your name, photographs and other personal data without compensation for advertising and publicity purposes

    • other third parties (for instance, some of our Facebook applications may share information collected through those apps with your Facebook friends or other Facebook users); and

    • government agencies, law enforcement agencies, local authorities, courts, tribunals, regulatory bodies, industry regulators, ministries, and/or statutory agencies or bodies, offices or municipalities or county(ies) in any jurisdiction , as required by law or regulation. We require all third parties to respect the security of your personal data and to treat it in accordance with the law.


You possess certain rights in relation to your personal data in our possession or control. We exercise reasonable due diligence and adopt measures to verify your identity prior to processing your request to exercise your rights, and you may be required to provide supporting documentation or information to corroborate your request, within the timelines prescribed by applicable laws.

  • Accessing and Updating your Personal Data: You hereby warrant that all personal data that you provide us with is accurate, up-to-date, and true. When you use our Services, we provide you with the ability to access and correct inaccurate or deficient data, subject to any legal requirements, including providing you with a copy of your personal data in documentary form. Note that we may charge you a reasonable fee for the purposes of processing your access request. If we are unable to provide you with any personal data or to make a correction requested by you, we shall generally inform you of the reasons why we are unable to do so (to the extent permissible under applicable laws).

  • Opting-out of Marketing and Promotional Communications: When we send you marketing and promotional content through email, we provide you with the ability to opt-out of such communications by using the opt-out instructions provided in such emails. You understand and acknowledge that it may take us up to 10 (Ten) business days to give effect to your opt-out request. Please note that we may still send you emails about your user account or any Services you have requested or received from us.

  • Withdrawing your Consent to the Processing of your Personal Data: We provide you with the ability to withdraw your consent to the further processing of your personal data, where the ground on which we process such personal data is consent. You understand and acknowledge that we require a withdrawal notice of at least 10 (Ten) business days to give effect to your withdrawal request. Please note that if you withdraw your consent to any or all use or disclosure of your personal data, depending on the nature of your request, we may no longer be in a position to continue to provide user benefits and services to you. Should you decide to cancel your withdrawal of consent, please inform us in writing. Please note that withdrawing consent does not affect our right to continue to collect, use and disclose personal data where such collection, use and disclosure without consent is permitted or required under applicable laws.


  • We comply with applicable laws in respect of storage and transfers of personal data, and ensure that the recipient of your personal data ensures a level of data protection comparable to the standards under applicable laws. As a part of your use of the Services, the information and personal data you provide to us may be transferred to and stored in countries other than the country you are based in, in accordance with the procedure prescribed under applicable laws. This may happen if any of our servers are from time to time located in a country other than the one you are based, or one of our service providers is located in a country other than one you are based in.

  • By submitting your information and personal data to us, you agree to the transfer, storage, and processing of such information and personal data in the manner described above.


We implement reasonable security arrangements to protect your personal data from unauthorized access, and follow standards prescribed by applicable law. We implement privacy protective features such as encryption, password protection and role based access control. We have implemented various strategies, controls, policies and measures to keep your data secure and keep these measures under close review. We are committed to providing appropriate security controls to protect your personal information. However, no security system is perfect, and it cannot be promised that information about you will remain secure in all circumstances, including the security of your data during transmission or the security of data on your device. There is always a risk that a third party, without authorisation, might unlawfully access the systems or otherwise access personal information. We are also not responsible for the authenticity of any information which is provided by you or otherwise collected from your use of the Services, whether personal or otherwise.

It is important that you also play a role in keeping your Personal Data safe and secure. When signing up for an online account, please be sure to choose an account password that would be difficult for others to guess and never reveal your password to anyone else. You are responsible for keeping this password confidential and for any use of your account. If you use a shared or public computer, never choose to have your login ID/email address or password remembered and make sure to log out of your account every time you leave the computer. You should also make use of any privacy settings or controls we provide you in our Platform.

Please further note that identity theft and the practice known as "phishing" are of great concern to us. Safeguarding information to help protect you from identity theft is a top priority. We do not and will not, at any time, request your credit card information or national identification numbers in a non-secure or unsolicited e-mail or telephone communication.


  • You agree and acknowledge that your personal data will continue to be stored and retained by us for as long as necessary to fulfill our stated purpose(s) as provided in this Policy until such purposes for which the personal data was collected are no longer served by the continued retention of your personal data, or retention is no longer necessary for our legal or business purposes.

  • In the event we are no longer required to retain your personal data, we will cease to retain such personal data by erasing, destroying, anonymising, or otherwise removing the means by which such personal data maybe associated with you.


You are aware that in the event we go through or propose to go through a business transition, such as a merger, acquisition by another organization, or sale of all or a portion of our assets, reorganization or in the event of bankruptcy, your personal data might be among the assets transferred or sold or otherwise shared. Should such a sale or transfer occur, we will use reasonable efforts to direct the transferee to use personal information you have provided to us in a manner that is consistent with our Policy. Following such a sale or transfer, you may contact the entity to which we transferred your personal information with any inquiries concerning the processing of that information.


  • The RAZOR DELIVERY Services may change from time to time. As a result, we reserve the right to update or modify this Policy at any time and from time to time without prior notice. If we make any material changes to the way we process your Personal information, we will notify you before such changes are effective. We encourage you to periodically review this Policy for the latest information on our privacy practices. If you do not agree with our processing activities as described in this Policy, please do not access or use the Services.

  • It is also important that the personal data we hold about you is accurate and current. Please keep us informed if your personal data changes during your relationship with us.

  • To the extent permitted under applicable law, by accessing our Platform or Services after such notice, you consent to updates made to this Policy.